Health and Hygiene


Health and Hygiene:

Health is formally defined is as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. We think of health as being free from diseases but it is much more than just the absence of diseases in body. Good health enables to work free from stress. A healthy body should have proper functioning of all body organs. It also involves feeling well both in body and in mind.

In order to stay healthy we should be hygienic. The various practices that help in maintaining good health are called hygiene.

Personal Health:

To stay healthy and hygienic, first and foremost step is to take care personal health. Maintaining personal hygiene is a necessary step towards staying free from diseases.
Some of the important aspects of personal hygiene are:

1.            Balanced diet:

balanced diet is one that gives body the nutrients it needs to function correctly. It also includes the correct proportion of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and roughage in diet.
In order of get proper nutrition one should consume fresh green vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, nuts, grams, etc.

2.       Personal hygiene: 
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There are some activities one should perform every day in order to stay clean.

These activities are: 
  •     Regular bowel movements keeps the body free of wastes that are generated within the body. Hands should always be washed after using the toilet.
  •    Washing hands before and after meal is must. Having food with dirty hands may make us sick as the dirt in our hand might carry certain disease causing germs.
  •  Bathing regularly keeps the body free of dirt, germs and free of body odor. It’s very important to wear clean undergarments and clean clothes.
  •   After eating food, some food particles may remain sticking to teeth. These food particles form a medium for the germs to grow, harms gums and teeth, and cause bad breath and plague. Brushing of teeth every day after every meal or two times a day do not let the germs grow. Brushing of teeth before going to bed is a very good habit.
  •  Regular washing and combing of hair helps in preventing dirt accumulation to keep the germs away. It also prevents lice and dandruff. Nails should be clipped regularly; nail biting is unhygienic and must be avoided.

3.            Domestic hygiene
  •  House should be kept clean and free from dirt, flies and germs.
  • Cooking utensils, plates, cups and other utensils should be kept clean and should be washed with proper dish wash soap.
  • There should be separate dustbins for biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes.

4.            Clean food and water
  •         Fruits and vegetables should be washed in clean water to make them free from germs and pesticides before cooking.
  •        Water used for drinking, cooking, bathing and washing utensils should be from a clean source.

5.            Cooking with care:
  •       Food should be prepared in a clean kitchen and in a clean manner. While cooking food, it is important to heat it to high temperature to kill any germs present in it.
  •   Cooked food should be eaten fresh or stored in cool, and away from flies.
  •      Milk stored in the refrigerator or outside should be boiled again to make it germ free.

6.            Abstaining from addiction:

To keep healthy, one should avoid smoking, chewing of betel nut, gutka and tobacco, and drinking alcohol. Intake of such substances regularly leads to addiction and health issues like liver damage, kidney failure, lung cancer and heart failure.

7.            Exercise:

Regular walking and physical exercises have a good effect on health. Outdoor games and sport maintain the heart and circulatory system in good condition. Walking keeps the joints of bones healthy.

8.            Regular sleep and relaxation:
These also play an important part in maintaining mental health. They also help in the repair of body tissues.

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Disease is the sickness of the body or the mind. More specifically, disease is the disorder of structure or function of a human body, and produces specific symptoms or affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.
A disease can be as mild as a sore throat, common cold, and stomach upset or as serious as cancer. Disease can strike any part of the body and anybody at some stage or the other.

There are two main categories of disease:

1.            Communicable Disease
2.            Non-communicable Disease

1.            Communicable Disease:

Diseases that spread through air, water and physical contact or through vectors like flies and mosquitoes are termed communicable diseases. They are transmitted from infected person to a healthy person by means of physical touch or using the infected person’s used things like clothes, towels, utensils, etc. They are also spread by body fluids.

Communicable diseases are caused by bacteria, virus or other pathogens.

Few examples are malaria, cough and cold, measles, pox, etc.

There are two methods by which germs are spread:
a.    Direct Method: By direct contact with the infected person.
b.    Indirect Method:
·         Touching and sharing items used by infected person
·         Contaminated food or drink
·         Blood transfusion from infected person.
·         Through vectors
·         Through air

2.            Non-communicable Disease: 

Diseases that don’t spread from infected person to a healthy person through physical contact are non-communicable diseases. These are not caused by pathogens.

These diseases may be caused due to dietary deficiency (rickets, scurvy and kwashiorkor), genetic defects, hormonal imbalances, allergy, etc.

A disease that affects a large population in a particular area is considered to be an epidemic.

Steps that prevents serious health deterioration of a patient’s health condition during emergency or before getting proper medical care and help is called First Aid.

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